Our Validation Sites

The cable assessment toolkit developed within CABLEGNOSIS will be evaluated by conducting validation tests in laboratory sites located in five countries: UK, Greece, Hungary, Cyprus and Italy.

A prototype cable system will be energized in the Tony Davies HV Laboratory of the UoS and it will be monitored over a period of time under a variety of artificial defects. Failure data from these experiments will be used in order to evaluate the performance of selected algorithms for the detection of anomalies due to degradation effects of HV cables and accessories.

Cable specimens with novel layouts -previously defined through simulations of models with increased or decreased conductor cross-sections and suitable combinations of insulation material properties and dimensions- will be tested at the premises of the High Voltage Laboratory of NTUA. Aim of the tests will be to verify whether these cable structure scenarios achieve higher transmission capacity and insulation operating voltage. Additionally, samples of lead-free wet-design HVDC and High-Power cables will be subjected to humidity conditioning in the lab and the resulting deterioration will be quantified by measuring various properties with emphasis on DC breakdown testing.

Advanced methodologies for the electrostatic separation of HVDC cable materials mainly based on the identification of remaining contaminants will be step-by-step implemented in the test site of HUMEA in Hungary. At the next stage, the applicability of the material derived from this HVDC cable recycling process as electrical insulation will be investigated with various experimental tests.

The accurate fault location detection and fault type identification methodology developed by UCY and EAC based on temperature monitoring via PMU measurements will be applied in the Cypriot lab environment to the digital twin model of the Cypriot electrical network for the training of Physics Informed Neural Networks (PINNs).

ASG will design and provide two electrical cryogenic test benches and test samples of cables with superconducting materials (MgB2 wires and TBD HTS) in order to test the respective insulating materials under high electric field after different thermal cycles in different cooling media (Gaseous He, Liquid N2) at cryogenic conditions within the context of ageing prediction for the insulation of superconducting cables.